Sports Massage


Sports Massage

Preventative + Corrective This type of massage may be one of my favorites to practice! It’s essentially a more intricate and specified deep tissue massage geared to assist those in heavy sport and fitness activities. With the use of techniques such as; rocking, compression, pin & stretch, cross-fiber, Trigger point/tender point therapy, kneading, wringing, hacking, deep quadricep stretches and thorough hamstring releases, assist the body in it’s reset and healing from the wear-and-tear and minor injuries that naturally occur with strenuous movement.

If you suffer from any of these conditions, sports therapy can help:

Sciatica • Plantar fasciitis • Runner’s knee • Shin splints • IT band friction syndrome • Respiratory restrictions • Adhesive capsulitis • Thoracic outlet syndrome• Morton’s neuroma • Whiplash • Neck pain • Back pain • Migraines • Patello-femoral syndrome • Rotator cuff injury • Nerve entrapment  • Disk compression • Joint pain • Sprains/strains • Scar tissue • TMJ Dysfunction • Tennis elbow • Golfer’s elbow • Carpal tunnel syndrome • Frozen shoulder • Compartment syndrome • Lordosis • Kyphosis • Trigeminal neuralgia • Piriformis syndrome tendonitis/tendinosis • Lace bite • Hip pain • Scoliosis • Shoulder pain • Pec minor syndrome • SI Joint dysfunction


  • Pain-free movement

  • Strengthen weak, inhibited muscles

  • Lengthen strong, facilitated muscles

  • Increase range of motion

  • Improve movement mechanics

  • Injury prevention

  • Increase performance in sports

  • Reduce fatigue

  • Increase joint flexibility

  • Shorten recovery time between workouts