

All massages are customizable to your body’s individual needs. Please see rates at bottom of page for add-on options!

Mountain Massage

Experience the scenic views, crisp scents and tranquil sounds of beautiful Colorado while indulging in a relaxing massage. This therapy session will take place at Dillon Reservoir. The location has been carefully selected to provide you with an optimal massage experience.


Swedish mASSAGE

Swedish Massage is designed for relaxation while utilizing medium to light pressure with long flowing strokes. The massage stimulates the whole system, which makes it possible for the body to be rebalanced. Most clients experience better blood and lymphatic circulation. This massage is shown to be helpful in reducing pain and joint stiffness.

DEEP TISSUe massage

Deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage, but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). Following this deep tissue experience, you’ll notice a marked change in how recharged, loose, and limber you feel.


Sports Massage

Although this type of massage favors athletes, sports techniques are beneficial for just about anyone receiving a massage. Whether you’re into intensive strength training, exploring the outdoors or the mother playing with her children all day. Life in general, is strenuous on our bodies. You can push yourself to your physical limits by working your muscles too hard or even, sitting still too long. Either way, we’re in a constant state of needing relief. Sports massage stretches and techniques are the best way to achieve that.

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Prenatal Massage

Maternity massage is for the mother-to-be. During pregnancy, a woman’s body endures the most dramatic changes it will ever go through. Incorporating massage throughout the second and third trimesters will greatly assist in healthy muscle-joint function, reduce inflammation, increase circulation and drainage as well as relieve mental and physical fatigue.


Hot stone massage

Full-body hot stone massages are one of the most relaxing forms of massage available. With the incorporation of hot water-heated Basalt river stones, muscle tension melts with ease. Basalt stones are very rich in iron, which makes them particularly great at retaining heat and are even believed to help improve the flow of energy in your body. Swedish massage therapy techniques are typically used during the massage, which may include long strokes, kneading and rolling.


Sound healing Massage

Have you ever experienced an introspective state of mind from the state of sound? With the touch of sound you’ll experience the sensory depth of your own being. Sound produces powerful vibrations and, as we are vibrational beings by nature, our very structure is transformed by its movement. Every organ, bone and cell in our body has a resonant frequency and when our bodies feel sluggish, uninspired or unhealthy, sound can reset and re-attune these subtle energy fields.


CBD Infused massage

Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits. CBD has no psychoactive effects on the body that induce any intoxicating effect. Actually, CBD can counteract the euphoric feeling that marijuana users experience. The fact that CBD rich cannabis is non-psychoactive makes using the balms and salves during a massage an appealing option for people looking for potential relief from pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms and other conditions without disconcerting feelings of lethargy or dysphoria.


Cupping therapy

This type of therapy is another ancient practice we’ve adopted from Asian, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cultures. It’s an alternative medicine with the utilization of glass or silicone cups on localized areas of pain on the body. Cupping helps greatly to loosen the fascia (or connective tissue), increase blood flow, and is thought to stimulate healing. It is similar to the way deep tissue massage can be used to break up scar tissue and reduce pain. 


In celebration of the first Mountain massage clients, all 90 min sessions will be at a discounted price!

(Offer available 7/20 & 7/22)

*All massages include a 10 minute consultation and dress time which occurs pre and post service.

Mountain massage

  • 90 min - $300

  • 120 min - $333

Swedish massage

  • 60 min - $60

  • 90 min - $90

  • 120 min - $120

Deep Tissue

  • 60 min - $70

  • 90 min - $100

  • 120 min - $130

Sports Massage

  • 60 min - $70

  • 90 min - $100

  • 120 min - $130

Sound Healing

  • 60 min - $65

  • 90 min - $95

  • 120 min - $125

*Can be added to any massage before and after for $5 (chosen during booking)

Prenatal Massage

  • 60 min - $60

  • 90 min - $90

  • 120 min - $120

CBD Infused massage

  • 60 min - $80

  • 90 min - $120

  • 120 min - $140

*Locally handcrafted CBD salve can be added to specific areas throughout any massage for $10 (chosen during booking)

Our salves are available for sale in 1oz and 4oz quantities.

NOTE: This product has no psychoactive effects and is 100% legal (derived from hemp).

Hot stone massage

  • 60 min - $75

  • 90 min - $105

  • 120 min - $135

*Hot stones can be added to specific areas throughout any massage for $5 (Chosen during booking)

Cupping therapy

  • 60 min - $75

  • 90 min - $105

  • 120 min - $135

*Cupping therapy can be added to problem areas throughout any massage for $5 (Chosen during booking)